
Sep, 2024 One paper on detecting AI-generated text got accepted to NeurIPS 2024
Sep, 2024 Our paper on detecting backdoors in LLMs got accepted to S&P 2025
Aug, 2024 Our work on exploring inherent backdoors got accepted to ACSAC 2024
Jul, 2024 Invited to serve on the Program Committee of SaTML 2025
Jul, 2024 One paper accepted to ECCV 2024. Congrats to Siyuan!
Jun, 2024 One paper accepted to USENIX Security 2024. Congrats to Shengwei and Lu!
May, 2024 Invited to serve on the Program Committee of IEEE S&P 2025
May, 2024 Successfully passed the Ph.D. dissertation defense
Apr, 2024 Four papers to appear in IEEE S&P 2024